At this time we are unable to offer returns or exchanges with the exception of the wrong item sent. If you received the wrong item a return/exchange we must preapproved and returned (postmarked) within 3 days, (72 hours) of you receiving the item. You are responsible for shipping and we are not liable for items lost in transit. Email to request a return/exchange.


Any returns that have not been previously authorized will be refused.


All approved returns and exchanges must be received in brand new condition with all original tags attached.  If any box, packaging, tags, tissue, hairnets or other components are damaged or missing, or if the product is not returned in the condition it was received, additional fees will apply or a refund may not be issued.  

Please note that products that have been combed, brushed, styled, worn, shaken out, have the factory part changed, have any scent present, or are modified in any way will not be eligible for refund or exchange. 

Please use a wig cap when trying hairpieces on and be mindful of scented products you may be wearing such as perfume and hair products, and environmental smells such as cigarette smoke and incense.  Any soiling, evidence of wear, or scent on the unit will render it ineligible for return. 

We inspect all returned items, and will make decisions regarding eligibility for return at our sole discretion.  Our decision regarding refunds is final and cannot be appealed.  If a return is not eligible for refund, we will ship the product back to you at your expense or destroy the item and no refund will be issued.